An open letter to women struggling with emotional or stress eating...
I see you.
I know how hard it is to resist food, especially now.
I know that food has been your friend. Food is comfort. Food is easy.
Food is easier than family. Food is easier than feeling emotions.
We're all afraid right now. Some of us are a little afraid. Some of us are massively afraid.
That's ok. I can help you with that. I'm afraid too, but I have learned how to live with my emotions so that they don't hijack my life. I can get through tough times without flushing my health down the toilet.
So can you. Once you learn how.
I'll help you understand the roots of your emotional eating. I'll give you a framework that'll help you find more ease in your life right now, especially when it comes to your relationships with food and your weight.
And speaking of relationships, I'll show you how to reduce the tension in your relationships, too. Because we know that tension— the friction and emptiness and feeling misunderstood by your loved ones— is one of the biggest triggers of emotional eating.
I'll help you make better choices and see your future in a whole new way. Healthy, in a body that feels good.
Don't wait for the outside world to change before you start changing your inner world.
I don't have all the answers. But I can show you how to tap into your inner strength so that you can confidently step up and take care of yourself. I can show you how to stop allowing food to be your default mode of soothing.
I can help you see your life from a different vantage point— and that can make all the difference in the world.
And literally, I mean in the world, because when you are taking care of your body, when you are emotionally stable, and when you know how to be loving to others without sacrificing your own well-being, well then, you will help heal the world. You will be part of the solution, and that's what the world needs.
It’s up to you to take care of yourself. Nobody else can do it for you. And it’s more important now than ever.

PS. This Notes From the Heart was an invitation to join me for a free webinar about emotional eating that we did live back in April 2020. Hundreds of women have watched the training and we've heard lots of great feedback. If you'd like to watch it now, let me know here, and I'll send you a link to the replay.
Image: En Garde by Manka Kasha