And that's my inner critic being nice. You should hear her when she really gets going.
The thing is, we all have an inner critic— a powerful voice that feeds on fear and doubt. Our inner critic tells us that we're not good enough, we're not thin enough, we're not pretty enough, or just simply, we're not enough.
But did you know that right along side your inner critic is another voice? This voice is the voice of confidence and wisdom. This voice is the voice of love. This voice is actually your true voice. It's what author Tara Mohr calls your inner mentor.
Tara, in her book Playing Big, writes "You can think of your inner mentor as part of you that is whole, centered, loving. You can think of her as a vision of a more evolved future self. You can think of your inner mentor as the voice of your spirit or soul, if those terms resonate for you. I believe she is all these."
I agree. And my wish for you this holiday season is that you spend more time cozying up with your inner mentor and less time listening to your inner critic. May you have inner-peaceful holidays. Cheers.

Image: Snowy Scene by Stephanie Rodrigues