Well hello.
Welcome to the first edition of our sparkly, new newsletter. We call it Notes From the Heart. And we're glad you're here.
We've got so much juicy stuff to share with you in this and future editions. Some of it will be useful information about getting healthier and feeling better in our own bodies. Some stuff will be about how to have better relationships— with our spouses, kids, neighbors, and anyone else you might run into every day. Some of these periodic newsletters may be fact-filled and serious-minded, while others may be spunky and light-hearted.
If we're lucky, a few may even cause unexpected snortling— which is always good for the soul.
Our hope is that this newsletter becomes the compass for your own heart-centered journey. Each edition will be intentionally written and curated to reveal the obscure signposts and less-traveled trails that will help you find your way to deeper levels of happiness, richer relationships, and that place of unshakable satisfaction we're all yearning to find.
Thanks for tagging along with us as we explore what it means to live a heart-centered life. Enjoy!
- On the idea of having an instruction manual for living, we would likely include something about appreciating the creative and wise people of the world. Mary Oliver would be on our list. And if you've ever read a poem to your dog, this.
- The idea of setting personal boundaries is not new. But here's a new way to look at it. What do you think? Which really comes first... internal boundaries or external boundaries?
- Fresh basil is just about the finest thing that summer has to offer. It's easy to grow at home. So why not give it a try? Plus, here's how to keep it fresh once you've harvested it (or bought it from the store (gasp!).
- We believe that getting older brings many gifts. One is wisdom. The other is perspective. If you could travel back in time and meet up with the younger you, what life advice would you want to impart?
- We're excited about a new book coming out— Keep Going, by Austin Kleon. It's for creative people. No, it's for happy people. No, it's actually for people who enjoy ideas presented in clear and compelling ways. No, no, no. Really, it's just for all people. Here's an interview with Austin about routines. Something we strongly believe in here at More Heart.
- Speaking of routines— in case you aren't convinced of the value, here are 18 reasons routine matters.
- Some of our favorite teachers are offering their expertise about health and dieting in this free online summit. It's happening on May 6-12. Highly recommended.
Love you guys.