What our members are saying
Transformation Stories

Karen K
“More Heart is a way of learning your worth and your value that will affect everything in your life including your weight loss and how you see yourself and how you see others."

Amy O
“In More Heart, you have a really great opportunity to journey with other folks who are just like you.
And we don't judge each other. We're in the same place... We're all learning together how to love unconditionally.”

Cindy w
“I realized that, for the first time in my life, I am truly content with who I am.”

“Some of the changes that I've seen since I've been on the More Heart journey are... a lot more clarity in terms of making decisions about how to eat and what choices to make. There's just more sense of security and comfort in how to navigate those things."

Kathy M
“I have stopped making war with my body...
I'm being more loving with myself. More Patient. It’s OK for things to take time.”

Sharon P
“I am finding that I have more energy and there are things I want to do that I hadn't wanted to do in a long time.”

beth M
“I think the biggest difference I feel with this plan is all of you! I feel loved by each of you and encouraged. I can mess up and know you are still with me, cheering me on to continue and get back in step with my health.”

Amanda J
“It’s so much easier to lose weight if you’re not worried about losing weight.”

Mary W
“The day that I figured out that I really am worthy of taking good care of myself... that was a turning point.”

Colleen P
“[More Heart] has such a different approach and it comes from a different place.”

“I felt like when I found More Heart that it was a huge answer. It was finally some place that addressed all of the issues. For me it's been amazing.
It’s an amazing program.”