Kathy miller

“One of the biggest changes that I’ve seen is I have stopped making war with my body.”

I've learned a ton about how important it is to have connection, how important it is to have a community. I didn't have that before. I thought I had to figure it all out on my own.

The community piece of More Heart was the most wonderful thing for me. I felt really accepted and welcomed and wanted— and it helped me to be accepting and welcoming and wanting of myself.

I think one of the biggest changes that I've seen is I have stopped making war with my body. I have learned, bit by bit... being just more loving with myself, and kinder, and more patient.

And knowing that it's okay for things to take time for these baby steps, because those are sustainable. So I really had to move away from that mindset of “fix it now.” And this whole process has really helped me get comfortable in that new place.

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