Sidewalk outside More Heart World Headquarters (A.K.A. our house).
Odd. Had it always been there? We didn't remember it. Is it possible we had taken a thousand walks from this exact location and never noticed it? Such a profound little message hiding in plain sight. And if it was newly penned, who put it there? And why?
Now, to understand the fullness of this mystery, you've got to imagine the setting. This was written on the curb— waxy, charcoal letters no taller than a silver dollar. The words are positioned so that they're readable as one would exit our yard— facing us (and only us). Did someone leave this message just for us?
I've been stuck on it ever since. Twice today, I opened the back gate to see it again— wondering how it got there. It feels so relevant. Not just for our morning walks, but for everything else, too. There's always more than one way to go, isn't there? Every day, each moment— we get to ask ourselves that teeny, powerful question. We always get to choose.
I think everything that matters in life always, and only, comes down to those 4 words. This way or that?
What do you think?
Here are some articles you might enjoy this month...
- How we respond to seemingly choice-less situations is always a choice. This way or that? Nelson Mandela shares his journey here in his book Conversations with myself, and Victor Frankl's profound thought about choice are here in Man's Search for Meaning. Both worth reading.
- What about making choices when you think you're too old to change the outcome? This story will inspire you.
- And sometimes doing nothing at all is the best choice you can make.
- Most folks agree sleep is pretty important. In fact, it's so important, we've devoted an entire section to getting great sleep (and why it's important for losing weight) in our mentor-guided program. You can't join the program right now, but you can learn a few things about sleep here. We especially love the idea of pillow rituals.
- And if you still can't sleep, try this. (Hint: we get more of what we focus on, so stop obsessing about not sleeping.)
- Sometimes we geek-out on all the science-y stuff related to health and weight loss. After all, that's what we do— help women lose weight for good. Here's a great deep-dive for those of you who are interested in learning more about why cutting calories is a terrible idea and how it backfires when it comes to keeping the weight off.
- And finally, can food labeling help us choose better choices when it comes to saving the environment? NPR's Life Kit podcast explores this idea in a great 20-minute episode.
We'll see you next month. Enjoy!